
HakkoUSA Knowledge Base

How do I set up FX-888D Parameters?


To access the parameter settings, turn the power on while pressing the UP button.

Parameter 01 is temperature selection for ºC or ºF. Hit ENTER when 01 is being displayed. Change between C or F using the UP button. Hit ENTER when you have the value that you want.

Parameter 03 is the low temperature error setting. Hit ENTER when 03 is being displayed. Change the temperature value the same way that the temperature in the normal mode. The value can only be set between 54-270ºº or 30-150ºC. Hit ENTER to confirm the value.

Parameter 11 is the setting mode selection. Hit ENTER when 11 is being displayed. Change between 0(normal mode) or 1(preset mode). If the preset mode is selected, a unit from 2P-5P will appear. Press UP to change between the selections. Hit ENTER to confirm the selection.

Parameter 14 is the password setting. Hit ENTER when 14 is being displayed. Change between the three options: 0(open), 1(partial), and 2(restricted).

   If you hit ENTER on 0, it will take you back to the parameter selection display.

   If you hit ENTER on 1, you will have to choose if a password is needed to enter temperature setting mode. Change between 10(no password required) and 11(password required) using the UP button. Hit ENTER.     The next selection is whether or not a password is required for the preset selection mode. Change between 20(no password required) and 21(password required) using the UP button. Hit ENTER. This will take you to     the selection for adjust mode. Change between 30(no password required) and 31(password required) using the UP button. Hit ENTER. You will now be setting up the password. The first digits is the hundreds. Use     the UP button to change to the desired letter. Hit ENTER. This will take you to the tenths digit. Use the UP button to change to the desired letter. Hit ENTER. This will take you to the ones digit. Use the UP button to     change to the desired letter. Hit ENTER.

   If you hit ENTER on 2, follow the instructions above for setting the password.

Once you are finished with the changes to the parameters, hold the ENTER down for at least 2 seconds until Y is displayed. You can change between Y or n at this time by using the UP button. Selecting n will take you back to make any changes to the parameters. If you would like to save your changes to the parameters, press ENTER on Y.

 *Changes will not be saved until Y is displayed and you press ENTER. Changes will not be saved if the unit is turned off while making changes.*


Article ID: 11988
Last Modified: Last Year
Last Modified By: Chris Stuber
Type: FAQ
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Article has been viewed 469 times.
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