
HakkoUSA Knowledge Base

Does the guide on my DPF-300 Depaneling System wear out?

Chris Stuber
Depaneling Systems

The guides used on the CHP DPF-300 Depaneling System are made of a tempered steel to extend their service life, however abrasion against the PCB materials will cause wear and therefore the service life is dependent on the amount of usage and the abrasion created by the PCB material. If you feel the guide is too loose in the slot and the PCB moves too much, the guide may be overused and in need of replacement.

Note:  Guides are generally sized slightly under their listed size to allow for tolerances in the slot routing.


Article ID: 12059
Last Modified: 6 Months Ago
Last Modified By: Chris Stuber
Type: INFO
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Article has been viewed 217 times.
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