
HakkoUSA Knowledge Base

How to add and offset Value to your 485 unit

General FAQs

Overtime you may notice when measuring the solder temperature in the 485 unit , The measured / Actual temperature of the solder may vary from the display / reference temperature on the temperature controller . 

An offset Value can be applied to bring the Actual temperature to a " True " value so the measured temperature will then match the Display / reference temperature .

To add an offset value to your temperature controller on your 485 unit Please refer to the following steps


  1. Ensure your unit is powered off then Open the Small Door on the Face of the temperature controller​

                *** To open the door push down on the locking tab on the right side of the face directly next to the two ^ arrows ***

                 2. Remove the warning sticker from the control mode selector switch . 

                 3. Your control mode selector should have the switch labeled 1 slid up with the remaining switches down ,

                  You should also see the temperature range dial/switch to the right set at a value of 1 . 

                 4. Slide the switch labeled 4 up . 

                 5. Turn on the 485 unit 

                 6. Push mode key B , This is the furthermost left Key on the temperature controller ( labeled with a arrow in an oval shape )

                   The display should now show H0

                 7. By pushing the setting keys you can now enter your desired offset value

                  ( The setting keys are the middle and right keys labeled with two upward pointing arrows or two downward pointing arrows ) 

                 8. Once the desired Offset value has been input into the controller , you can then Move the switch labeled 4 to its original down position . 


View attached photos for reference on how to access and change the offset on your 485 . 

for further assistance Please do not hesitate to reach out to American Hakko Products . 





Article ID: 11848
Last Modified: 5 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Kyle
Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote
Article has been viewed 2.8K times.
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