
HakkoUSA Knowledge Base

Does an SDS for any Hakko product expire?

Chris Stuber
General FAQs

Every country has its own regulations regarding expiration dates on SDS sheets.

In the USA, OSHA SDS sheets have no specific requirements concerning expiration dates.
OSHA does require that the SDS must accompany the first shipment of chemicals. Any revised or updated SDS should be provided with the new preparation date and must be issued within three months if any of the following conditions are met :
  • There has been a significant change to the chemical makeup or composition 
  • A health or physical hazard that is different from previously stated is discovered
  • The product has been listed as carcinogenic
In Canada, the  WHMIS SDS sheets expire every 3 years.  The SDS sheet must be updated to provide any new information that has become available since the date it was first prepared.  This may include a change in the formulation or information that has demonstrated a hazard that was not previously stated. Under the  WHMIS , any SDS must be accurate at the time of sale or importation of the said hazardous product.
In the European Union, under the old CLP regulations SDS sheets, like an SDS in the USA, do not have a specific expiration date, however if any information has been added, deleted, or revised, the said change must clearly be depicted on the revised sheet.

In all cases, the SDS sheet must list the date of preparation or data of revision on the form .

American Hakko does review SDS sheets on an annual basis to determine if a new SDS is needed under the OSHA SDS requirements in the USA.  Should the date of the SDS be expired based on requirements in your country, please contact our Customer Service Department at 1-800-88-HAKKO (42556) to obtain the most recent revision or copy.
Article ID: 10559
Last Modified: 4 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Kyle
Type: INFO
Rated 3 stars based on 2 votes.
Article has been viewed 7K times.
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