
HakkoUSA Knowledge Base

Does my FM-203 require an upgrade to use the FM-2030 Heavy Duty Iron?

Chris Stuber

If you Hakko FM-203 Soldering Station has a serial number that is before 02203211002129 then you will need to purchase an upgrade (PN: FM203-UPGR) when you purchase your FM-2030 Heavy Duty Soldering Iron.  The most critical digits to use from the serial number to make this determination are the last 8 digits.

If you attempt to use the FM-2030 on an FM-203 that has not been upgraded, the FM-203 will display a C-E error (Connector Error) when it is connected to the D port.

If you are not sure if you have upgraded an older FM-203 system, you can check the firmware version of the PCB installed in the station using the following steps:

  1. Plug the FM-203 Soldering Station into a power outlet.
  2. Insert the Lockout Key Card
  3. Disconnect ALL handpieces.  There should be no handpiece connected to either the D or S ports.
  4. Hold down the *, S/Down, and # keys simultaneously and turn on the power.
  5. The FM-203 display will show the power on test 8.8.8. and then display the firmware version number.
If the firmware version number is 3.01, then the station has been upgraded and is fully compatible with the FM-2030 Heavy Duty Soldering Iron.
All other firmware values will require an upgrade if you intend to use the FM-2030 Heavy Duty Soldering Iron.
Article ID: 10551
Last Modified: 13 Years Ago
Last Modified By: Chris Stuber
Type: INFO
Rated 2 stars based on 9 votes.
Article has been viewed 3.3K times.
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